Sunday, July 20, 2008

Garden Gods have arrived!

Wowee! Look at those babies!

My mouth is watering just looking at these green ones and look at how many are on that vine! The swiss chard, lettuce mix, radishes, carrots, and marigolds are looking great as is the zucchini. I am even trying spaghetti squash this year... I love those darn things!

It's a basic garden but we have been enjoying the salad for a few weeks already and have many more coming.

Spring has sprung I guess... in July... oh... and here is a sample of the day lilies I received from Dick, Joy, and Richard. I planted a bunch of them in different spots around our house... Turns out it is a very pretty lily. I hope they spread like wildfire!

David has been back at work full time. As I may have mentioned, not being able to work on our home was just eating him up. He looks and feels better everyday. Thank goodness.

He doesn't get very far alone though... he still has his little friend with him as usual. Don't feel too bad for me though. Cosmo the Magnificent has been giving me a lot of attention and love as well lately so I am not feeling too neglected. It seems the more David recovers the more Cosmo relaxes his guard dog duties.

Cosmo does enjoy coming to work but his enjoyment takes a bit different form than Delta's. She is out in the lake swimming, frogging, killing mice, chasing her tail and squirrels. And Cosmo, while not averse to chasing the squirrels... has another goal. Today while David helped Jerry and Woody finish up the lake front siding/deck, and I used the compressor to clean out the exterior walls in preparation for insulation Cosmo took up his station in a lawn chair to supervise.

In case you were curious... here is a glimpse of the deck...

The deck goes the length of the house and then is 12 feet out... (I think)... Anyway... you can see above in the photo where the posts are close together... that is where the stairs will go. They will lead down below and then I am planning on doing a walking path/stepping stones across the patio garden area that will then go towards the path down towards the lake. We have decided against the wire fence temporary rails... we will put up wood spindles that we cut ourselves from the lumber on hand so that it passes inspection. We can do the cables as a later project.

Then finally... a view of the lake side of the house...
deck, patio, with this side's siding all done.

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